24"x 26" 2023 Silk screen, watercolor pencil, pencil

silkscreen, 4" x 7" *** print sent to those households participating in the "Cupola Questions" survey.

Due to the recent trend of adding cupolas to new home constructions, I made survey about cupolas to research why people like them.

The door hanger opens up and reveals the survey and information about the project. If the person decides to send in the survey to me, I will send them an original screenprint about cupolas.

screen print with graphite and water color pencils 30" x 28"

china paint on porcelain plate

'Claiming Territory', 2017
11" x 20"
edition of 7
In each edition there are 37 sheets of paper.
Each piece of paper is one frame in the animation.
Baubo, a mythical character representing the female phallus, climbs to the top of the monument to claim her rightful territory.

Gravity is altered.

They dance until dawn. Light begins to stream in through the windows and comes across the gentleman. He starts to melt. He is a vampire.

Gentleman dances with lady and lifts her up and swings her around numerous times during the dance. Eventually he lifts her so high she ends up inside the ceiling panels. (Indicated by **)

Gravity is altered.
The Alternative Hustle
Screen Printed Book
11" x 14"
'The Alternative Hustle' explores how dance steps can be used to map out an event. I bought a disco dance instructional book at a garage sale one summer (which included a record for listening) and became obsessed with how the dance steps looked on the page. I wanted to know what happened INBETWEEN each prescribed dance step. If this mapping was truly realistic it would also include the other steps the couple would take during the dance (for example if they had to walk over to the punch bowl to get a drink). I mapped out some potential dance floor scenarios using the basic steps of disco.
'More Impermanent Than Sand'

Two children are building a sandcastle. Part of the sand dune behind them transforms into a wave, and the wave gets bigger as comes closer and closer. Eventually it reaches the children and crashes down on them. As the water recedes you can see that the children are actually made of sand. They wash away and the sand castle remains.
first panel

toile wallpaper designed and printed after the devastating tsunami that hit Japan in 2011
* Three panels total length 24', height, 8'
At the bottom half of the second and third panel there is a special animation that occurs as your eye travels across the wallpaper.
To see wallpaper ANIMATION